Have you determined what's most important to you?

Have you determined what's most important to you?

It has been said, “if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.” Good planning requires you set “targets”, or goals.

King Solomon, considered by most to be the wisest man to ever live, repeatedly encourages us to plan in the many proverbs he is credited with. In Proverb 21:5 he says, “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Two important points come out of this: 1. Planning - the purposeful consideration of future activity and 2. Plans of the diligent - meaning one who is hardworking or industrious. So if you want to succeed take the time and do the hard work of setting appropriate targets and goals. These goals can then be broken down into the steps needed for your financial success and a framework for making wise financial decisions.


Financial Planning from a Christian Perspective

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